The Neverland Wars Sale

In celebration of the cover reveal for the second book in THE NEVERLAND WARS SERIES, the first book will be on sale for 5 days only! This sale is being ran during an exciting BookBub promotion that will showcase THE NEVERLAND WARS at an all-time low price of $.99 for the digital book! This title is typically $5.99. We highly recommend you take advantage of this $5 reduction in price by purchasing THE NEVERLAND WARS between 8/21/16-8/25/16 as the book will go back up when the sale is over.


We'd love to hear your thoughts on this new cover in THE NEVERLAND WARS SERIES. Please leave us a comment or two. Then head on over to our Clean Teen Publishing website to read an exclusive excerpt from THE PIPER'S PRICE.
Ebook - Pipers Price

THE PIPER'S PRICE (February 21, 2017)

Peter is plotting his retaliation against the latest bombing. Neverland needs an army, and Peter Pan is certain children will join him once they know what is at stake. The lost boys and girls are planning an invasion in suburbia to recruit, but in order to deliver their message, they will need the help of an old and dangerous associate—the infamous Pied Piper.
Hunting him down will require a spy in in the real world, and Gwen soon finds herself in charge of locating the Piper and cutting an uncertain deal with him. She isn’t sure if Peter trusts her that much, or if he’s just trying to keep her away from him in Neverland. Are they friends, or just allies? But Peter might not even matter now that she’s nearly home and meeting with Jay again.
The Piper isn’t the only one hiding from the adults’ war on magic though, and when Gwen goes back to reality, she’ll have to confront one of Peter’s oldest friends… and one of his earliest enemies.


Audrey Profile Pic
Audrey Greathouse is a lost child in a perpetual and footloose quest for her own post-adolescent Neverland. Originally from Seattle, she earned her English B.A. from Southern New Hampshire University's online program while backpacking around the west coast and pretending to be a student at Stanford. A pianist, circus artist, fire-eater, street mime, swing dancer, and novelist, Audrey wears many hats wherever she is. She has grand hopes for the future which include publishing more books and owning a crockpot. You can find her at


Twitter Handle: @missaudreyjoy


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