Book Feature: A Light in the Dark by Becky Doughty


A Light in the Dark

Book Two of The Fallout Series
Click on the cover below for a preview!
Play with fire, you just might get burned...
On stage, Tish Ransome sings about heartache and passion, betrayal, and about love gone wrong… but she knows very little about any of it in real life. The rockstar princess who swears like a pirate—literally—is loved and adored by family, friends, and fans alike, and her world is filled with good things, her future bright.
Behind the scenes, however, trouble is brewing. When Tom, her best friend and co-founder of the Marauders, tells her he's leaving the band after graduation, Tish must find a new wingman to step into Tom's hard-to-fill shoes. The moment she hears Sebastian Jeffries play, she knows he's the one.
Yet with Sebastian comes a taste of the things Tish only writes about, and she can't resist the lure of the tortured artist. Sebastian, likewise, is drawn to Tish's brilliance, but like a moth that hovers too close to the flames, is he killing himself just to be near her? Can Tish save Sebastian before it's too late, or will he pull her down into the darkness with him?
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Fun Facts About Becky Doughty
  • I’m part chameleon. Not because I can change colors on demand (which would be AWESOME!), but because I can move my eyes independently of each other. It gives me a serious eye-strain headache, but it’s entertaining. I may post a video one day ….
  • I live in Southern California, but I can’t stand the sun. It burns my eyes and makes my skin turn glittery–er, I mean, red. I should live somewhere like Ireland or Scotland where it rains a lot. Or Forks.
  • Speaking of Ireland, I ran The Dublin Marathon in Dublin, Ireland, in the year 2000, to celebrate the new millennium. It rained the whole 26.2 miles. Chafing and blisters commenced.
  • I am adopted. It’s pretty cool. I come from nowhere, anywhere, and everywhere.
  • Speaking of being adopted, one of my favorite pastimes is people-watching. In airports, and waiting rooms, etc., I pretend to read, but really, I look for people who might be my long-lost birth relatives, then I write reunion scenes in my head. Someday, I might publish those reunion stories.
  • I still read aloud to our 20-something year-old married children after dinner during our weekly Family Night. We like all things Middle Earth, Otherworld, Time-travel, and non-Muggle. We keep it real, baby.
  • I have a secret that I can’t tell you.
  • My children have some incredible tattoos.
  • Book stuff: I love to read historical fiction, but I usually write contemporary fiction. I keep threatening to put out a nonfiction book … but I kinda like the whole … ahem … ‘creative license’ thing with fiction. Baby, I was BORN TO LIE! (Bumper sticker, anyone?)
  • I grew up in the boonies, so we had no television. But one of our supporting churches sent a shipment of all the Nancy Drew books ever published to us for Christmas one year. No, I wasn’t Nancy. I was George.
  • Another of my favorite novels while growing up was Louis L’Amour’s Down the Long Hills. I first read it because my dad loved Louis L’Amour, and I wanted to be like him. (Dad, not Louis. Except for the writing a gazillion books and making a living at lying part.) I still have that original hard-back copy in my library.
  • Speaking of Louis L’Amour, I’m what would be considered a “Pantser” – I write by the seat of my pants. I usually start with a general story or plot idea, but don’t map much out until I’m actually writing the book, and even then, my characters usually take off on their own. I’ve never written a book that ended up the way I originally thought it would. So what does that have to do with my buddy, Louie? This is from his memoirs: “One day I was speeding along at the typewriter, and my daughter—who was a child at the time—asked me ‘Daddy, why are you writing so fast?’ And I replied, ‘Because I want to see how the story turns out!’”
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Connect with Becky Doughty
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All the Way to Heaven (Book One) is FREE wherever ebooks are sold!
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  1. Holly - Thanks so much for sharing about me and my books with your readers! I appreciate you!

    Becky Doughty


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