Enter to Win Signed Copies of All Three Books in the Rising Series!!


  1. Hi Holly! Thank you for the chance to win signed copies of your Rising series!!! That would be so...WOW...BEYOND WORDS to win!!! Heck I am thrilled with ANY swag, but signed books!?!?!? SUUHHHWEEEET!!! :) Cheers!!!

    1. Meant to add that I have Rising, waiting to see if I get any book money for my birthday next week before buying Descending and then right before Avenging is released I will start reading them! I am waaaay to impatient to start reading them now and having to wait THAT long for Avenging! LOL Of course, finding the time to read them is also part of it! I have happily been reading & reviewing for a while now and have been so busy with those books that I haven't read any books that I have purchased on my own for a few months now! *sigh* I know! Rough job but someone has to do it! hahahahaha <3 HUGS

    2. I love doing giveaways! I just wish EVERYONE who enters could win. And I know what you mean. I read and review books for my publisher and author friends, but find I have little time to read books I want to read just for fun--not that the others aren't good. They are usually amazing books, so I guess I really don't have much to complain about. Oh well, I'm rambling on. Good luck on the rafflecopter, and happy reading!!!

    3. LOL That is EXACTLY what I mean Holly! :)

  2. Hi Holly Kelly this is Laure Lebatard and we talked about your book Rising. That was an amazing book and i have not had the chance to read youre second book, but you are an amazing writer and you are amazing at your art. Hope to have a chance to get your books so i can start to collect them, because thats how good they are.


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