Book Release Blitz: November Snow by Shannon A. Thompson!

Clean Teen Publishing is proud to present an exciting new release: November Snow (Bad Bloods Book 2) By Shannon A. Thompson. When Daniel and Serena unite, their accidental relationship becomes the catalyst for a twelve-year war to continue. Exposing the twisted past of a corrupt city, Daniel, Serena, and everyone they know will come together to fight. But Serena has another battle. After a political rumor threatens their lives, Serena must leave her family and join the political front against her will. To survive apart, Daniel has to separate his love from his hatred and join forces with his worst memory to secure Vendona’s war. But very few of them will survive to see the last day. Bad blood or human, a city will burn, snow will fall, and all will be united by catastrophic secrets and irrevocable tragedy. Buy Links Win a CTP eBook of Your Choice!!! a Rafflecopter giveaway November Rain (Bad Bloods Book 1) Sevente...