
Showing posts from January, 2016


The stunning conclusion to THE RISING SERIES by Holly Kelly is coming soon on April 4, 2016. Today I am pleased to share the official cover reveal and the digital pre-order links for RAGING . Clean Teen Publishing is offering the first round of pre-orders at $4.99. The purchase price of RAGING will increase to $5.99 before it's release. Readers who haven't started this series should pick up book one now while it's still free! We'd love to hear your thoughts on the cover and the series as a whole. So take a second to drop us a line or two. ABOUT RAGING: The 4th and final book in The Rising Series will release on April 4, 2016. Since each story in The Rising Series has a new romance that intertwines with the others, the blurb below is free of spoilers. AMAZON / iBOOKS / SMASHWORDS / GOODREADS (More links coming soon.) The long-awaited conclusion to The Rising Series. For two thousand years, a betrayer has occupied the throne on Olympus. Hungry for

Burning Nights by Julie Wetzel is Available Today!!!

Today is the highly anticipated release day of Kindling Flames: Burning Nights! This series has been downloaded by more than 100,000 readers and has over 200 five-star reviews on Amazon! If you haven't started reading this series, this is a must read! Kindling Flames: Gathering Tinder is FREE so there are no excuses. Kindling Flames: Burning Nights AMAZON / iBOOKS / NOOK / SMASHWORDS After a wedding filled with werewolves, fay, and vampires, Vicky is looking forward to a nice, quiet honeymoon away from the chaos of Darien's daily life. But nothing is ever simple with an Ancient Vampire around. When the Vampire Council of Hawaii finds out Darien and his new bride are coming, they are determined to see that Darien is honored properly. But vampire etiquette isn't for the faint of heart. The nights could burn when lines are drawn... and Darien finds himself in a turf war he never intended to start. START THIS SERIES TODAY FOR FREE: AMAZON / NOOK / iBOOK

Nine Common Mistakes New Authors Make

1) All Characters Speaking and Acting the Same.   I see this a lot in new writers. All their characters act and speak the same. Characters need to behave like real honest to goodness people. I’m sure you’ve known people who have behaved, spoke, and acted very differently from the way you do. Admit it. You’re surrounded by them! To be a good author you have to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes—people who think differently than you do and then you need to be able to portray that in writing. If you don’t think you can do that off the cuff, study people around you. Borrow some of their personality traits to use in characters. I’m not saying make exact duplicates of people. Some people would be very angry to find out you based such and such character on them—I mean, mad enough to sue. But it’s perfectly fine to cut and paste personality traits to create a wholly unique character. Just make sure you’re consistent with that character throughout the book.

A New Start to a Paranormal Series by Lila Felix is Now Released!

Clean Teen Publishing is proud to present the new release of LIGHTNING KISSED by Lila Felix. This new adult paranormal romance is available to read today! With a brilliant and unique plot, Lila Felix has crafted a story that is sure to be a huge hit. ~Novels and Necklaces Blog Lila Felix has blown me away...With Lightning Kissed, she has created a unique, intriguing world that draws the reader in to the complex and dynamic storyline featuring some fascinating characters. ~Tsk Tsk What To Read Blog Read LIGHTNING KISSED by Lila Felix TODAY! AMAZON / BARNES & NOBLE / iBOOKS / KOBO / BOOK DEPOSITORY Colby Evans can leap from one country to the next in a heartbeat. She can see every sunset in every time zone in the same day. She can travel across the world in a flash. She defies gravity and physics with every breath she takes. She's tested her abilities and found them limitless. She is the lightning. She is Lucent. And nothing can stop her. Except him. Th