
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Time Warper Series Now Released

NEW RELEASE: Clean Teen Publishing is pleased to announce the early release of the second book in the Time Warper Series by Peggy Martinez . Today you can not only get Time Warper: Fated for FREE, but you can get the second book in the series— Time Warper: Undone . In addition, Time Warper:Unbound , the third book in the series, will release on 10/26/15. Help us celebrate this new and exciting YA Paranormal Romance Series! NOW AVAILABLE: READ IT TODAY! Out of courtesy for our readers who haven't yet read book #1, the synopsis can be read for Time Warper: Undone here . #NoSpoilersHere AMAZON / NOOK / iBOOKS / KOBO READ BOOK #1 FOR FREE: Eighteen-year-old Sage Hannigan wants to get back to her own time, preferably one that hasn't been destroyed by an underworld plot brewing in Edwardian-era South Carolina. How hard can it be? All she has to do is: 1. Learn to use newly acquired warping skills to bend time to her will. 2. Take out a few rogue vampires. 3

Cover Reveal

Crimson Tree Publishing is excited to share with you the official cover reveal for DATING AN ALIEN POP STAR by Kendra L. Saunders . This Out of this World new series releases in June of 2016. Check out the new cover and let us know your thoughts. ADD TO GOODREADS Available June 7, 2016 Daisy Kirkwood has only just escaped her small-town life and run away to New York City, the land of last-minute secret gigs at famous musical venues, when she's kidnapped by aliens. Unfortunately, no one ever writes about how to handle alien abduction in those fancy NYC guidebooks. Griffin and Dev are supermassively sexy aliens from a politically and environmentally troubled planet who arrive on Earth with very little knowledge about human ways other than what they learned from a wayward E! News signal. Their mission is to pretend to be the most influential people on the planet—English pop stars, of course!—and gain the help of a powerful secret society. Upon arriving, they abduct Daisy


Crimson Tree Publishing is proud to present the newest cover in the DRAGONS OF ETERNITY Series by Julie Wetzel . FOR THE HEART OF DRAGONS is scheduled to release December 7, 2015. Check out the cover below. We would love to hear your thoughts on this newest addition to the DRAGONS OF ETERNITY Series. FOR THE HEART OF DRAGONS ADD TO GOODREADS. Disconnection is a very serious issue for dragons that can leave them stuck in one form or another, but it's a condition that usually comes on slowly and rarely catches anyone by surprise. No one knows this better the Kara Rose, Eternity's leading specialist in the treatment of this condition. So when the head of Eternity demands her presence for an emergency, she can't imagine what he could want. She is, after all, only a therapist. As a top mage with Eternity, Noah Dove has worked with dragons for most of his life, so he is used to their odd quirks and physical needs. When a dark beauty shows up to disrupt the king'

Two Amazing YA Novels!

Help us celebrate the release of two amazing Young Adult novels from Clean Teen Publishing . To celebrate, both novels have a special release week pricing that will save you $1. Plus, on Friday, we will party in style on Facebook with lots of prizes, games, and more. Make sure to RSVP for the party here . Check out our new releases below: TIME WARPER: FATED by Peggy Martinez THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TIME WARPER SERIES. AMAZON / BARNES & NOBLE / iBOOKS / KOBO Eighteen-year-old Sage Hannigan wants to get back to her own time, preferably one that hasn't been destroyed by an underworld plot brewing in Edwardian-era South Carolina. How hard can it be? All she has to do is: 1. Learn to use newly acquired warping skills to bend time to her will. 2. Take out a few rogue vampires. 3. Join an ancient secret society. 4. Figure out who is putting the time stream in jeopardy. 5. Find and maim whoever invented the corset. Sage never asked to be chosen by the Druid Priestess,