
Showing posts from April, 2014

In Celebration of Descending's Success, It's a Giveaway!!!

  It's all about Celebrating! Descending has made a big splash on Amazon. Within a week from its launch it hit #1 in Mythology and there it has hovered ever since--most often found in the #1 spot. You can also find it in the best seller's list of Fairytales, and Science fiction/Romance. It has been doing so well, it's even been outselling some big names, including several of the Twilight books. With all the excitement, I want everyone to celebrate with me, after all, you are the reason for the success of the Rising Series.    So in celebration of The Rising series' success I've decided to do a giveaway.  Enter below, and you can win one of three prizes:   Signed paperback copies of both Rising and Descending  An ecopy of Descending A $10 Amazon gift card! a Rafflecopter giveaway ABOUT DESCENDING: When Xanthus cashes in a long-standing favor, Kyros is faced with doing two things he thought he'd never do—protect a m

Cover Reveal: Sweet Contradiction by Peggy Martinez!

SWEET CONTRADICTION by Peggy Martinez Publisher:  Crimson Tree Publishing Genre: New Adult Romantic Suspense Release Date: August 26, 2014 Content Rating: Mature  When Beth Michaels hightailed it out of the hole-in-the-road town she grew up in, she only had two goals. One—get as far away as quickly as possible, and two—never set foot in her parent’s home again. But when she receives a heart breaking call from her childhood best friend, Jen, she has no choice but to turn her ’56 Ford pickup back in the direction of Salem, Missouri to attend a funeral.  There’s a new local in town when Beth arrives, and suddenly, it ain’t all that easy for her to remember her rules for dating.  #1. Cookie-cutter-perfect guys ain’t her type.  #2. Tie wearin’ and church frequentin’ is an automatic dismissal.  #3. Most importantly, never date anyone from small minded, conservative, Bible-thumping towns like Salem.  Unfortunately, Matthew Wright breaks all her rules

Leighton's Summer by K.C. Finn is Available!!

NEW RELEASE: LEIGHTON'S SUMMER by K.C. Finn NOW AVAILABLE!  Genre: Young Adult (Paranormal, Historical, Adventure and Romance) Publisher:  Clean Teen Publishing Rating: YA  ALSO- Book 1 in the Synsk Series—The Mind's Eye—is now FREE! A teenage boy with something to prove gets caught up in a web of crime and deceit in England, 1945. In the weeks leading up to his sixteenth birthday, gifted psychic Leighton Cavendish finds himself suddenly packed off to Blackpool, a glittering teenage paradise filled with plenty of opportunities for amusement—and trouble—to ensue. With only a preoccupied grandmother to keep an eye on him, Leighton’s desperation for adventure leads him out into a world of holidaymakers, candy and carnival rides—the ideal place to spend six weeks away from home. But Leighton’s psychic visions are encroaching on his fun, trying to warn him of the danger that lurks beyond the shimmering lights of the Golden Mile. Who are the myste

Cover Reveal for Wicked Power by DelSheree Gladden!

COVER REVEAL: WICKED POWER by DelSheree Gladden Book 2 in the Someone Wicked This Way Comes Series.  Release Day: May 1, 2014 Genre: YA Paranormal Romance Clean Teen Publishing  Find out why Kirkus Reviews said:  The pairing of a formulaic start and formula-breaking ending makes the book ideal for paranormal-romance readers seeking a new spin on the familiar.   “Wicked Power is what he craves. He collects it and turns it into wicked glory—the glory of ruling everything and everyone.” Even after Vanessa and Zander Roth barely survive the Eroi's attempt to expose them for what they are, they aren't safe. Sitting balanced on the edge of impending death and unthinkable power, they reluctantly turn to the other Godlings for help.  What they find and learn while being trained by the arrogant leader makes them question whether they are being trained to be a weapon for good or evil. Soon enough, Van and Zander find themselves once again on opposing pat