
Showing posts from 2013
New Release in The World Aflame Series: WATER SHAPER  by Award Winning and Best Selling Author: Jon Messenger BOOK 3 IN THE BEST SELLING WORLD AFLAME SERIES.  Release Date: December 25, 2013 Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing Genre: New Adult (Young Adult Appropriate.)  THE EARTH GIVES WAY TO THE SEA,  THE SEA BOWS BEFORE THE WIND,  THE WIND FEEDS THE FLAME,  THE FLAME BURNS THE WORLD OF MAN DOWN TO THE EARTH. Xander Sirocco now has the power of the Wind Elemental at his disposal, but it may be too little too late.  The Fire Caste has begun its conquest of the planet, and many of the largest cities already burn. Xander, Sean, and Jessica know what needs to be done—they must find the Water and Earth Elementals to have any chance of defeating the Fire Elemental. The first to be located is the Water Elemental. With her power, they could at least slow the advance of the Fire Warriors. If she would only believe in their mission as much as they do… 
NEW RELEASE ALERT! FREE NOVELLA! We are thrilled to announce the early release of Rumors, A Lingering Echoes Novella by Erica Kiefer. To make this event special, Rumors is currently available for FREE through  Smashwords . We are working on reducing the price from $.99 to FREE on Amazon as well. Go get your FREE copy today! Rumors is a prequel to Lingering Echoes.  New Adult Contemporary Romance (Also Young Adult Appropriate.) Allie Collins wants nothing more than to forget the past and move beyond the recent death of her beloved cousin. If only it were that simple. Upon returning for her senior year of high school, rumors quickly spread about the tragic summer accident that left the school’s star athlete grieving in the shadows. Now, the last thing Allie wants is the limelight. But the relentless pressure for normalcy from her friends and family leaves her with no choice but to surrender. Rejoining her basketball team and spending time with popular boys might seem lik
Goodreads Book Giveaway Rising by Holly Kelly Giveaway ends February 02, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win

NaNoWriMo Craziness

Through NaNoWriMo craziness a novel will emerge. It may be boring, bland, and stink, but onward you must surge. When you reach that magic number fifty thousand long, You'll emerge and greet all others, standing straight and strong. A novelist you have become, no one can deny. Numbers you have entered in, they prove you do not lie. Your story, though it be a mess with plot holes big as canyons, You are in good company with all of your companions. But now the work has just begun, with rewrites and revisions. Until the story take the shape you've seen within your visions. The last few words will bring a mix of sadness and delight. Though long and hard the path may be, there's joy in writer's life.